Here's a photo of the veggies, just washed. There's squash, zuchinni, carrots, onions, green beans and sugar snap peas. I also added a couple of tomatoes but they didn't make the photo shoot...I had washed them and they were still in the sink.
This is what I use to season the veggies, feel free to add whatever your favorite seasonings are. I use olive oil, sea salt, parsley (fresh when I have it) basil (fresh when I have it, and cilantro would be good), and sometimes pepper. I use either lemon juice or balsamic vinegar. I was out of balsamic vinegar tonight and had a lemon so I used that...just a few squeezes.
The seasoned veggies..."eating the rainbow," a variety of colors, is a healthy way to eat!
Cover the dish with foil, tightly. Bake at 350 degrees until tender...about 30 minutes or so, depending on how many veggies there are.
The finished veggies! I will be eating these veggies for my lunch for a couple of days, along with some rice or some tri-colored couscous, and a bit of cut up melons.
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Annyeong!Thanks for sharing your interesting article, please do visit my site too God Bless :)